Tuesday 31 December 2013

New Years Revolution

I hinted a few posts back that I had an announcement to make on New Years Day. Some of you I hope were eagerly anticipating what I have to announce, although in reality I bet not many of you remembered. Why would you? what with the Christmas carnage we have all been experiencing of late, seriously this year has been one of the most hectic I believe, for me personally.

So what could I possibly be wanting to say. Well it's a confession of sorts, and a look at the future of this blog. Let's start with my confession, I'm sorry to say that all this time I have been lying to you. My name is not in fact Roy Saxon! I know a right shocker. No my name is Joshua Francis, I am a creative writing and law student currently in my second year at university.

Why the fake name? Initially it was a protection instinct thing, I had no idea of what my blog would be and was reluctant to put my real name to it. Also I liked the anonymity it afforded me and felt exciting to use another personae. Another reason is that I once made a promise to a friend to use the name Roy if I ever started writing. Don't worry this wasn't a dramatic deathbed promise so nothing important has been broken. No the friend is alive and well and I believe living in Brighton.

Moving on now let's talk about the New Year. What an exciting one I'm sure it will be. As today is a time for looking ahead and making plans for the coming year I want to make a blog resolution. There is going to be a bit of a change in what I blog about from now on. As I have been posting I've found that I get more enjoyment out of writing the preamble and description of how I found products rather then the actual reviewing. This could possibly be down to the fact that there are only so many ways I can describe the taste of chocolate.

For this reason from now on my posts will probably become more about my thoughts and general musings. Don't worry I'm sure there will be some reviews at time. I hope that my regular readers will continue to support me and enjoy whatever it is I end up posting about. I'm not sure what my first new article will be about as of yet probably whatever is on my mind at the time. I'm not going to lie though it will probably be a rant of some sorts. Christmas and the resulting onslaught has been slightly stressful and a good rant will vent some pressure.

I fear this post has become a tad serious and egotistical, don't worry though this isn't a sign of things to come. I'm not a very serious person so most of the time the posts will probably about some kind of madness that's happened to me on the day. Believe me I get through a lot of madness, just the other day I had an argument about the face of an elephant. Perhaps someday I'll tell you about it!

Well I'll love you and leave you with that tid bit and with this picture of an elephant I have drawn!

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